It's a joke? ...a mistery? ...a viral marketing? ...a conspiracy? ....but if you go to Illuminati.org website, you will discover a black page...
Now highlight the page text (its black on a black background) or simply use Ctrl+A you will notice a countdown timer on the top. The date to zero is 6th of December 2011.
What now? If you change the date in your computer to December 8th, the countdown timer gets to zero and will be displayed "Sorry, you are too late". Now if you press Ctrl+U (control u...) you get your ip and localization.
But what is it counting down to? ...and late for what? I know this could very easily just be a hoax... but looking on wikipedia about Illuminati i found: "In more modern contexts the name refers to a purported conspiratorial organization which is alleged to mastermind events and control world affairs through governments and corporations to establish a New World Order. In this context the Illuminati are usually represented as a modern version or continuation of the Bavarian Illuminati".
Now looking for illuminati.org at whois you get:
Created On:21-Apr-1995 04:00:00 UTC
Last Updated On:17-Nov-2007 07:17:57 UTC
Expiration Date:22-Apr-2012 04:00:00 UTC
Created on 95, updated on 2007 and expires on 22 April 2012,
Registrant Name:Ancient Order of Bavarian Seers
Registrant Organization:Ancient Order of Bavarian Seers
I went to Archive.org and i asked for an archived version of illuminati.org, but not helped too much.
So... let's wait for December 7, but what does this date represent? On the net i discovered that will be the 70 year anniversary of Pearl Harbor (December 7, 1941).
But there's more! There's a website also for 7december.org, black of course, and if you press Ctrl+A or highlight the page, you get "WAKE UP HUMAN RACE. All of us are the brothers and the sisters. We have the power to finish all of the wars and the darkness. If we do not wake up, we will be too late and the darkness will arise..." and again the countdown!!!
And with the right mouse button "WE HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE OUR DESTINY".
Even more disturbing the website illuminatiorder.info, full of backwards texts "What speaks with one voice, yet walks on four feet in the morning, two feet at noon, and three feet in the evening?" (...and password protected), poems (...black page, ctrl+a again) and strange languages...look at the last address ...itanimulli?? Oh yes illuminati backward...
And what if you type itanimulli.org? Try it yourself!
Nice took me to the National Security Agency/Central Security Service, very interesting.